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Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard Series by Rick Riordan

Rating: 4.75/5 Stars

Title: Magnus Chase Series (The Sword of Summer, The Hammer of Thor, The Ship of the Dead)

Author: Rick Riordan


Magnus Chase has seen his share of trouble. Ever since that terrible night two years ago when his mother told him to run, he has lived alone on the streets of Boston, surviving by his wits, staying one step ahead of the police and truant officers.

One day, he's tracked down by an uncle he barely knows-a man his mother claimed was dangerous. Uncle Randolph tells him an impossible secret: Magnus is the son of a Norse god.

The Viking myths are true. The gods of Asgard are preparing for war. Trolls, giants, and worse monsters are stirring for doomsday. To prevent Ragnarok, Magnus must search the Nine Worlds for a weapon that has been lost for thousands of years.

When an attack by fire giants forces him to choose between his own safety and the lives of hundreds of innocents, Magnus makes a fatal decision.

Sometimes, the only way to start a new life is to die . . .

Initial thoughts:

I have grown up reading Rick Riordan’s books and with the Magnus Chase books I was very impressed with the amount of Norse Mythology from both the Prose Edda and the Poetic Edda that was utilized throughout these three books. Having read these original tales, I found it very interesting to get a more modern take on these myths.


What I liked:

For the story itself, I found myself inherently drawn to the characters. They were all very dynamic and very diverse in so many different ways. It made me so happy to see such diversity well plotted and entwined with the story. He certainly did a much better job with this in Magnus Chase than with the Heroes of Olympus (If you disagree please don’t kill me). I loved meeting everyone on floor 19 of the Hotel Valhalla and getting to watch them explore the 9 worlds. The quests that the characters went on were very fun to read and watch them conquer in almost unconventional ways.

The twist on these quests from the Prose and Poetic Edda were well planned and utilized as an introduction for a younger audience who may not have been exposed to the original myths.

What I didn't like:

My one complaint with the series is in regards to the Sword of Summer, A.K.A Sumarbrander, A.K.A Jack. Now, the main reason I have a bit of a qualm with Jack is the fact that he actually talks and has a name. In Norse Mythology, Frey’s sword does not have a name and is simply known as a magical sword that can fight on its own if the user is wise. This is a very minor complaint as I easily got past it.

The Norse deities were also a little goofy at times as things were modernized. I almost felt that they didn’t carry enough weight as they would have in the original stories.


Magnus Chase: This boy is a sass master. I swear, if I had this kid in one of my classes when I was substituting he would have gotten under my skin a bit. But Magnus was ultimately one of my favorite characters. He was kind, and though he wasn’t the brightest character in the book, he was a great in a pinch.

Hearthstone and Blitzen: I swear there dynamic with each other is so sweet. I had a ship for them since book one and it was never made cannon, but I loved them both anyway. These two watch out for each other and will do anything to make sure the other is safe.

Samirah al-Abbas: She was kick butt and I loved her. Sam was such a strong female character and she always took on so much and was able to work efficiently even under stressful conditions.

Alex Fierro: This kid is my favorite! A genderfluid character being in a kids series really had me excited. Being genderfluid myself, I found that Rick did a very good job at explaining exactly what that means for someone who may still be trying to figure it out for themselves.

Jack (The Sword of Summer): If you have read the Percy Jackson Series, I would say that this character reminded me a lot of Blackjack. Mainly there to help the main character, but also playing as comic relief in some situations.


I really really enjoyed this book series and will definitely be reading it again. I have had multiple discussions with friends and I almost felt bad saying that I actually enjoyed this series more than I did the Percy Jackson one and I am sad that it is only three books long (It will be getting a 4th short story book though, which I am looking forward to). Also, my friend and I as well as cosplaying as Alex and Magnus again for this year’s Book Con in New York.

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