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The Dangerous Art of Blending In by Angelo Surmelis

Rating: 3/5 Stars

Title: The Dangerous Art of Blending In

Author: Angelo Surmelis


Seventeen-year-old Evan Panos doesn’t know where he fits in. His strict immigrant Greek mother refuses to see him as anything but a disappointment. His quiet, workaholic father is a staunch believer in avoiding any kind of conflict. And his best friend, Henry, has somehow become distractingly attractive over the summer.

Tired, isolated, scared—Evan finds that his only escape is to draw in an abandoned monastery that feels as lonely as he is. And yes, he kissed one guy over the summer. But it’s Henry who’s now proving to be irresistible. Henry, who suddenly seems interested in being more than friends. And it’s Henry who makes him believe that he deserves more than his mother’s harsh words and terrifying abuse.

But as things with Henry heat up, and his mother’s abuse escalates, Evan has to decide how to find his voice in a world where he has survived so long by being silent.

This is a powerful and revelatory coming-of-age novel based on the author’s own childhood, about a boy who learns to step into his light.

Initial thoughts:

I pretty much went into this book blindly. I grabbed this one at the library when I was shifting from the ‘LGBT Display’ we had up in June to the ‘Pastel Display’ for July. I had just finished reading The Wicker King and was hoping to read something that would not demolish my feelings as that one had. I thought that the synopsis ( which I read after reading a few pages) and realized that this was another one that was going to pull at my emotions especially with the abuse that occurs right off the bat. The cover is cute though with the sprinkles on the cake, but just be warned this is not a super cute book.


What I liked:

I loved how raw and painful this book was to read. It made everything feel so much more real and understandable. The book was fast paced and I devoured it in two days. The story touched on elements like abuse, homophobia, bullying, and neglect very well and described what a survivor of abuse can feel like after taking it for so long from such a young age. The descriptions of events were graphic and described well through the book leaving me almost feeling everything that Evan felt. I also liked how at the end of the book there was information about where to go if you (the reader) needed help like Evan.

What I didn't like:

While I thought that this was a very good, very real book, there was a lot of things that nagged at the back of my mind as I read it. I thought that some of the characters were underdeveloped (ex: Jeremy) and that things appeared to be a little choppy throughout the story. As I said before, I liked how the story brought up some very touchy subjects, but I found that the author didn’t touch on any solutions. The problems just kept coming and there was no work around with them. Some were simply forgotten while others were ignored by not just the victim, but by the community as well. There were no consequences and no real push toward fixing anything. Though the romance was cute and not the center point of this book, I found that it felt very rushed and almost forced at times.


Evan Panos: Okay this kid is pure and needed a hug. I wish someone would have actually helped him out instead of just watching him suffer through everything.

Henry Kimball: I had some very real issues with his character. I felt that there were times when he was rather selfish and only thought about himself and his own feelings. He never really took other’s feelings into consideration when he did things. He also did not know what consent was at all!

Jeremy: This kid! Don’t even get me started on him. His personality sucks and he is a pretty horrible friend.

Evan’s Mom: She was super scary! Like when I say scary, I mean it! I couldn’t tell what she was thinking at all and I could see why Evan tiptoed around her so much because anything could set her off. I literally hated her as a person and hate how she blamed everything she did on her religious beliefs.

Evan's Dad: He was so passive and I was disappointed in him for the entirety of this book. Everytime I thought he was going to be better, I was let down and eventually learned not to get my hopes up too high for him.


I really wanted to like this book more than I did. I read it so quickly and, of course, I hated to read about the situation, but everything was so real. I hate to think that what I read has happened and is still happening to queer individuals. It makes me feel lucky that I have grown up in a completely different environment and situation. Surmelis, at the end of the book, explained that Evan’s story was a mirror of his own life to a certain degree and that hurt more than anything else. There was a lot of homophobia in this book and much of the book centered around that. I really wish I could have given this book a higher rating than I did because it was a well written book with a good, dark, story.

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