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Timekeeper by Tara Sim

Rating: 4.7/5 Stars

Title: Timekeeper

Author: Tara Sim


Two o'clock was missing.

In an alternate Victorian world controlled by clock towers, a damaged clock can fracture time--and a destroyed one can stop it completely.

It's a truth that seventeen-year-old clock mechanic Danny Hart knows all too well; his father has been trapped in a Stopped town east of London for three years. Though Danny is a prodigy who can repair not only clockwork, but the very fabric of time, his fixation with staging a rescue is quickly becoming a concern to his superiors.

And so they assign him to Enfield, a town where the tower seems to be forever plagued with problems. Danny's new apprentice both annoys and intrigues him, and though the boy is eager to work, he maintains a secretive distance. Danny soon discovers why: he is the tower's clock spirit, a mythical being that oversees Enfield's time. Though the boys are drawn together by their loneliness, Danny knows falling in love with a clock spirit is forbidden, and means risking everything he's fought to achieve.

But when a series of bombings at nearby towers threaten to Stop more cities, Danny must race to prevent Enfield from becoming the next target or he'll not only lose his father, but the boy he loves, forever.

Initial thoughts:

To be honest, one of the reasons I started reading this book was because it was recommended to me through Amazon because I had read Victoria Schwab’s books. Gotta say I was really excited to read this one because the synopsis sounded really interesting to me. It is a steampunk lgbt romance that takes place in london. It really was my aesthetic all around. Plus the cover is simply gorgeous (Chainbreaker and Firestarter also have amazing covers). I am writing this review now that I have read it for a second time and I am about to begin Chainbreaker for a second time before Firestarter comes out.


What I liked:

The premise of this book was simply fantastic. I loved the ideas of the clocks and how they kept time moving properly in specific areas of the world. It was very original to me and had me wondering exactly how the towers worked and where they actually came from. The characters were anything but flat. They had a lot of heart and layers to them that made me feeling for each and every one of them. Tara Sim was a master at illustrating PTSD and trauma in this book. I swear, I was amazed by how she showed and handled it in this book. Another things that I really loved about this book was the romance. I am not going to go into too much depth about their relationship with one another, but it seriously made my heart warm when they were together.

What I didn't like:

There were really only a few things that I found myself questioning the antagonist in the book. Things seemed a little forced in that aspect, but I did find myself wanting to see where Tara was going with the plot line in the book. I also found that the way Colton was getting attention to be a little toxic in the sense that he would hurt himself so that Danny would come back to repair his clock tower. It was pushed aside as harmless in a sense when self-harm for the attention of a loved one should never be seen as anything but serious.


Danny Hart: I wanted to just hug him and tell him that he was doing a good job and that deserved better. He was a bit quick to jump to conclusions as well and quick to act, but that was something that made him more relatable.

Brandon: I loved how supportive he was. He was a good kid who was working hard to provide for his family.

Leila Hart: Seeing her through Danny’s eyes kind of made her hard to like. I wanted to see things from her perspective a little bit.

Colton: A precious angel who needs to stop hurting himself for attention. I love this golden boy though.

Cassie: She is seriously super amazing! She was kind and cared about her friend so much and just wanted to make sure he was happy and safe.

Matthis: He was a very complicated character. I wished that things would have turned out differently with him.

Daphne Richards: She was intelligent, talented, and fighting in a man’s world where women are looked down upon. I applaud her and think she is an amazing character.


This book is probably one of my favorite LGBT reads in a while. I found myself happy to return to it with such beautifully crafted book. It has a magical element merging with the steampunk and I was captivated by the creativity and originality of it. I need to read the last book in this series! It seriously cannot wait for it to come out.

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